RETURN to Training Home Page
Daily Process:
Morning Procedure: (Done before you leave your home/office)
- Log into Alert and Unisys Systems:
- “Accept” all new calls in Alert
- Check Unisys System for the following:
- Parts ETA
- Parts Depot Address
- Alt Contact #
- Inbound Airbill #
- Attempt to contact End User to setup ETA
- Update Call in Alert System (everyday)
- “Schedule” call in Alert with ETA (Date and time)
- or “Update Call” with the reason you were unable to schedule the call
- “Print Work Orders”
- “Just Go Policy” – **Refer to “Just Go Policy” document for more information
Field Procedure: (Done throughout the day)
- Head to parts depot and pick up parts (pick up all parts in the morning)
- Head to Call and complete work
- Get client’s signature on workorder
- Leave “Leave Behind” document with End User
- Follow steps until all calls are complete
Closure Procedure:
- Log into Alert System
- Open Call
- Click on “Work Details” tab
- Click on hyperlink and Fill out Time Sheet Detail (Closure Screen)
- Attach Workorder to call:
- Scan in Completed workorder
- Click on “Attachments” tab
- Click on “New”
- Browse for workorder
- Put Call # in “Document “Title field
- Go to Default Tab and Click “Service Complete”
- Once Parts have been Return: Click “Info Complete” (Parts Return Process)
All service calls must be called in from site upon completion of work. Technicians must call 512-857-7171 option 2.
Please provide the following information:
- Service Call Number
- Is service complete or closed
- SMARTECH Alert tech ID
- Date and Time Arrived
- Departure Time
- Mileage and Travel to site
- Return Airbill number
- If part was not returned please explain why
- Description of service performed
- Any other information
**All work orders must be held onto for at least 30 days to provide proof that service was completed and parts returned**